Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)


Do you need a new or replacement emergency sign for the end of your driveway or dock? Emergency signs are $40.00 each plus hst. Please fill out the form and submit payment. 

If you have any questions contact the Administration Office at

Please submit your payment by E-Transfer.

How to send an E-Transfer:

  • Send to
  • A security question is required and all answers need to be sent to
    • In the email with the security answer please add details of what you are paying (including reference numbers) and who at the Township should be notified. 
    • Example: The answer to the security question is BuildingPermit1234 which is payment on permit 1234 in my dealings with [insert employee name].

If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact Joshua Bondar, Junior Municipal Law Enforcement Officer – Planning at

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